2 min readAug 16, 2020


I greatly respect and commend you for having such audacity to rise up against injustice. From my point of view, and many others, striving for justice and virtue is a duty is of human being. however, I do believe that in fighting injustice, you must always aware of what to do next. It's not enough to just showing your opinion, your anger, and be done with it. If you want to fight this, you must have the grand plan in your mind. For example if you want to get rid of the prime minister, then who should replace him? or if you want to tear down the whole system, who is going to be the one in charge of it next and what system should be install? Please don't misunderstood me, i didn't say that you should being a spear head in driving the charge, that's not our job, or at least not for now, but in having this awareness and knowledge; you could better help with the fight rather than just fight with your disdain and anger like a hoard of mad dog. Fight like a man. Always remember the grand plan, always asking yourself if what you're doing is truly justice and not just a mass-opinion. And always remember, human and the society is a flawed concept and being. The idea of justice that we dream of is just a "form of justice,"an idea of utopia, it is only meant to be a guide line of what a society should be but it is unlikely, perhaps never, achievable. So when the time come and new problem rose, don't be discourage, this is the true nature of life, once a problem is fixed, another will always rose. Remember, life is sometime cruel and full of suffering; to survive, is to find some meaning in those suffering.

be an absurd hero

-Guild, Supases Robkob





Ordinary Existential design student

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